English to Dutch Meaning of quarry - steengroeve

Quarry :

bas, legering, schacht, steengroeve, gat, de mijne


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Definitions of quarry in English
Noun(1) a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation(2) a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate(3) animal hunted or caught for food
Verb(1) extract (something such as stones
Examples of quarry in English
(1) The owner objected that he was there first, indeed that stone from his quarry had built the foundations of the houses.(2) Accompanied by spindly psychic Matthew Lillard, he comes to a grisly end in pursuit of his latest quarry .(3) Judging by the behaviour of birds, monkeys and deer, our quarry was certainly out there, probably sitting in the long grass and smiling to himself at human folly.(4) Pike fishing is a sport which attracts growing numbers of anglers, who pursue their quarry with a grim determination and will travel hundreds of miles to catch a record-sized fish.(5) Getting back to the task at hand, he scooped visible wreckage away, wary of the glass shards and smiled in triumph as he spotted his quarry .(6) the security police crossed the border in pursuit of their quarry(7) Further uphill is the planter's house, transformed into an interpretation centre built on the remains of a stone quarry discovered in 1966.(8) Three years after an Environment Court judge ordered a Pauatahanui quarry closed its owners are seeking to reopen it.(9) It now appears that the description of someone jumping over the barriers could in fact have been of a police officer in pursuit of his quarry .(10) The man caught sight of his quarry atop the stairs, and made his way over to him.(11) Behind this is a compact kitchen with large quarry floor tiles and white tiled walls.(12) Sheltered from the highway, on this trail, the footprint of a doe could still be seen, as when the locals pursued their quarry a thousand years ago.(13) It's a deep gorge carved out years ago to drain the limestone quarry into Lake Michigan.(14) They had the ability to remorselessly pursue their quarry at a relentless pace, regardless of the mid-day sun.(15) In recent years the area surrounding the original mine has been developed as a quarry for crushed stone.(16) We're off to chase down our quarry so we can personally deliver his paid-for ticket to the Eastwood Rugby Club function centre this Saturday night.
Related Phrases of quarry
(1) quarry tile ::
steengroeve tegel
(2) stone quarry ::
(3) limestone quarry ::
1. prey ::
2. pit ::
Different Forms
quarries, quarry, quarrying
English to Dutch Dictionary: quarry

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