English to Dutch Meaning of imbroglio - verwikkeling

Imbroglio :

wirwar, mol, verwikkeling, streng, knoop, complicatie, verstrikking, wanorde, rommel, verwarring, knoeien, geschil, gedoe, ruzie, rij, woordenwisseling, herrie, strijd, bewering, wedstrijd, braden, debat, passage van wapens, dispuut, controverse, gewauwel

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Definitions of imbroglio in English
Noun(1) an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation(2) a very embarrassing misunderstanding
Examples of imbroglio in English
(1) the abdication imbroglio of 1936(2) Then there was the imbroglio over his skiing exploits where he denied that he suffers the occasional mishap while skiing.(3) That would be a great shame, since the current imbroglio presents the best chance in years to bring European policy-making into the modern world.(4) But certainly the problem, or the quarrel, or the imbroglio so far has been over the fate of these foreigners.(5) The imbroglio was motivated by the pan-green camp's embarrassing defeat in the showdown, as the pan-blue alliance used its numerical advantage to change the order of nine bills on the agenda.(6) Nor do I think that most Canadians understand or perhaps even care about the complexities of the constitutional imbroglio that has unfolded since the opposition began defeating the government in the Commons last Wednesday.(7) The latest imbroglio flared last month when an 80-page draft of a Justice Department plan to expand the department's counterterrorism powers was leaked in the news media.(8) the Watergate imbroglio(9) The corruption imbroglio may be one scandal too far for the Tax Commissioner.(10) This imbroglio is emblematic of the mainline's difficulty with articulating a substantive vision of family life and family ministry in recent decades.(11) That's my prediction for the whole imbroglio waiting to unfold.(12) The outcome of the seat-sharing imbroglio was like an anti-climax in a Bollywood flop.(13) Doesn't the imbroglio with the European Constitution bear witness to the same puzzlement: Which Europe do we want?(14) After the imbroglio over land for beggars rehabilitation and criticism over his visits to the slum areas where he made promises difficult to fulfil, he has been maintaining a low profile.(15) The present imbroglio between the exhibitors and artistes, producers and directors should be sorted out amicably within the legal frame.(16) But, in the space of 48 hours, what sounded on Sunday like an imminent threat to financial targets in New York, New Jersey and Washington has metamorphosed into an imbroglio of disarray and confusion, with a dash of farce thrown in.
Related Phrases of imbroglio
(1) imbroglio ::
1. complicated situation ::
ingewikkelde situatie
2. complication ::
3. problem ::
4. difficulty ::
5. predicament ::
netelige positie
6. trouble ::
7. confusion ::
8. quandary ::
9. entanglement ::
10. muddle ::
11. mess ::
12. quagmire ::
13. morass ::
14. sticky situation ::
lastige situatie
15. bind ::
16. jam ::
17. pickle ::
18. fix ::
19. corner ::
20. hole ::
21. scrape ::
Different Forms
imbroglio, imbroglios
English to Dutch Dictionary: imbroglio

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