English to Dutch Meaning of imbue - doordringen

Imbue :

inspireren, motiveren, uitloper, doordringen, aanzetten, aanmoedigen, bevochtigen, purper kleuren, inwortelen, kleur, verfstof, verf, tinctuur, soppen, ploeteren, nat, weken

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Definitions of imbue in English
Verb(1) spread or diffuse through(2) fill, soak, or imbue totally(3) suffuse with color
Examples of imbue in English
(1) We imbue the appreciation of art with some sort of Protestant work ethic and demand it does us good.(2) It's an inspired album that is imbued with the warm spirit and gracious heart that is this family.(3) I spend a lot of time praying that they are imbued with greater wisdom.(4) But his works are also imbued with social commentary, desperately wanting to make the world a better place.(5) Scenes are imbued with a hallucinatory quality, reminiscent of European art cinema.(6) Historical sites of revolutions are often imbued with an aura of romantic mystique.(7) Most do an excellent job of capturing the classic feel of the characters, and imbuing an epic quality into proceedings.(8) Always eager to reach out to others, especially the Jews, he was imbued with a deep agony over the suffering of others.(9) He was a man of gentle and quiet disposition who was imbued with many noble qualities.(10) A lady of gentle disposition and kind manner, Nora was imbued with a caring and compassionate nature.(11) Her eccentric characters are imbued with humanity, and the ending is stunning.(12) They played with control and flair in the first half, while the second half was imbued with indiscipline and scrappiness.(13) He is imbued with a quiet confidence, but he appreciates how precious that particular commodity is.(14) People of Annie's generation were imbued with a great sense of country and patriotism.(15) Debt relief, too, is imbued with moral hazard: the worse a government behaves, the more it is rewarded.(16) James was imbued with many noble qualities which served him well and earned him enormous respect.
Related Phrases of imbue
(1) imbue ::
1. permeate ::
2. diffuse ::
3. hue ::
4. soak ::
Different Forms
imbue, imbued, imbues, imbuing
English to Dutch Dictionary: imbue

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